Agency Vs In-house
Hannah Draboczy
Are you fresh out of university looking for a job in the marketing industry? Or perhaps seeking a total career change into something more creative? Chances...
The more technical readers among you will likely be aware that ECMAScript 6 (ES6) was recently released. Unfortunately, it wont be ready for use* until the major browsers have time to catch up. But in the meantime, developers have the perfect chance to get a head start and find out what’s coming! In this article, I’ve listed some of my favourite ES6 features.
The Fat Arrow Function
AKA arrow functions! We can now turn an ugly block of code like this:
this.$'/api/users').then(function(response) { sendNotification('User created'); }).catch(function (error) { sendError('An error has occurred'); });
…into something a bit more expressive:
this.$'/api/users') .then(response => sendNotification('User created')) .catch(error => sendError('An error has occurred'));
And for functions with multiple lines, simple surround the logic with your usual curly braces:
this.$'/api/users').then(response => { sendNotification('User created'); storeUser(user); });
Of course, cosmetics aren’t the only purpose to this feature – it also affects scoping. Currently, functions have their own context, which they bind this
to. It can be difficult to keep track of, especially when working with nested functions. Up until now, we’ve had to use workarounds such as .bind(this)
or var that = this
function foo() { this.count = 0; var that = this; setInterval(function() { that.count++; }, 500); }
Well, no longer! ES6 arrow functions bind this
to the enclosing lexical scope:
function foo() { this.count = 0; setInterval(() => this.count++, 500); }
Much better! And while we’re on about scoping, let’s talk about…
Let & Const
and const
allow us to assign variables in a whole new way. var
will scope a variable to the nearest function block (or scopes it globally if it is not defined within a function), whereas let
and const
is scoped to the nearest enclosing block:
if (true) { var foo = 'bar'; } console.log(foo); // Outputs "bar"
Due to this, things can sometimes get messy when using temporary variables (such as the common temporary i
variable in a loop). No longer!
if (true) { let foo = 'bar'; } console.log(foo); // Throws ReferenceError - foo is not defined
…and the same goes for const
. In fact the only difference is that const
is a constant (yes, really!) whose value cannot be changed.
Default Parameters
Default function parameters can often come in handy a lot when writing your functions.Up until now, this wasn’t a thing in Javascript and we had to settle for something like this:
function foo(bar) { bar = bar || 'baz'; console.log(bar); } foo(); // Outputs baz foo('foo'); // Outputs foo
In ES6, we can define default parameters with a similar syntax to PHP or Ruby:
function foo(bar = 'baz') { console.log(bar); } foo(); // Outputs baz foo('foo'); // Outputs foo
Template Literals
Template literals are effectively strings that can contain “placeholders”, in which we can include JavaScript expressions:
// ES5 console.log('2 + 2 is equal to ' + (2 + 2) + '.'); // ES6 console.log(`2 + 2 is equal to ${2 + 2}.`);
And thankfully, we now have a convenient way to have multi-line strings within JavaScript:
// ES5 var poem = "99 little bugs in the code.\n" + "99 little bugs in the code.\n" + "Take one down, patch it around.\n" + "127 little bugs in the code."; // ES6 var poem = `99 little bugs in the code. 99 little bugs in the code. Take one down, patch it around. 127 little bugs in the code.`
Let’s be honest; that first method is just plain ugly.
This article just covers a few of my favourite ES6 features, but there are many that we haven’t looked at (such as block scoping, rest parameters, property shorthand, method properties, and more!). If you’re interested in learning some more, check out the ES6 Features website.
* Without the use of a tool like Babel to compile code down to ES5
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