VIA Creative

Client website projects we've been working on

Client website projects we've been working on

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Client website projects we've been working on


Showcasing your company’s projects and case studies to attract more business customers

Dave Ramrekha

As a web and branding agency, we understand the value of showcasing our portfolio and case studies to attract potential business customers. This step-by-step...

So I've finally gotten around to writing a blog post, to be honest I have a load of topics I'd like to blog about as our agency produces a wide range of really nice creative work covering branding, graphic design, printing, websites and digital media. All really great areas in which to write some quality blog posts right? Unfortunately we all get caught up in actual work that publishing these blog posts becomes a task relegated to the 'I'll start that next week' pile and before long an age has passed and the date on the agency's last blog post becomes the proverbial bane of our blog life!

Whilst we send regular e-shots/e-marketing articles promoting our agency's latest news to our subscribed clients I thought I'd simply compile an overview of primarily the web and digital projects we have been working for our clients over the past few months. Displayed in a visual form with links so you can explore the web work we have designed and produced. 

A lot of these web and development projects will be expanded on into specific case studies within our website soon, there you will see how we designed, built, tested and arrived at the end results but for now have a look through our most recent projects, click to have a gander through the work and feel free to leave any comments. So what have we been doing over the past few months...?

Thermal Detection

A fully mobile responsive website featuring bespoke icon designs for sectors. This site displays a wide range of high temperature sensor products that they manufacture.

To visit the website click here

Teesrep Biomass Plant

During this busy time we also designed and built a new website for Spanish based Tecnicas Reunidas who are the main project developers of the new Teesrep biomass Plant being built at Teesport in Middlesbrough. The huge construction project is a big deal for contractors and people looking for employment opportunities in the region and took on significant mayoral and council level interest so we had to ensure a swift and professional site was created.

The website also includes a bespoke How it Works feature which shows how the various aspects of the plant function:

To visit the website click here

NRG Global Power

Another fully mobile responsive website which features a global map graphic indicating project and office locations around the world. 


We also designed a range of bespoke icons to promote the company's services. 

The website features links to 3 separate URLs showing the operations around the world.

To visit the website click here

Morgan Autosalvage

Morgans are one of the biggest auto salvage breakers in the region. They commissioned us to undertake the rebranding of their company alongside the design and build of a new website. The site was to be mobile responsive and also had to integrate with their back end database of parts including a fully bespoke, search development system that we built from scratch. Commissioned photography ensured the whole scope of works that we undertook, branding, design, user experience and web development - came together to show the organisation in a much more professional and sophisticated way.

The parts search was developed to ensure an extremely quick return of car parts from the database and was a factor we applied in the final web build following an extensive project discovery phase.

To visit the website click here

STM World

Synthetic Turf Management supply a wide range of artificial turf to schools, universities and organisations throughout the UK. They tasked us with bringing their old non-responsive website up to date so an extensive project discovery phase was entered into along with a nailed down design process to get the best out of the website's look, feel and functionality.

As part of the design and build we completely redesigned the client's Pitch Builder feature, this allows customers to manipulate on screen details of various pitch sizes and finishes they require for their venue.

The Pitch Builder was also designed to work on mobiles, something the previous version struggled to do.

To visit the website click here

UCS Renewables

UCS Renewables are the sister company of UCS Technologies and specialise in helping organisations save on their carbon footprint. Following the successful rebrand of the main company, UCS Technologies, we were tasked with bringing the Renewables division up to date with a new website. The site had to closely reflect the style of the main site yet still having it's own identity. We successfully delivered the new branding elements into the renewables site to ensure the look and feel was unique yet still part of the overriding group.

To visit the website click here

Your Voucher Book

One of our long-term clients approached us to take their printed voucher book to the next digital level. We were tasked with creating an updated new website and also a mobile app that would allow customers to redeem their 2 for 1 discount vouchers through their smartphones. 

We designed, built, tested and launched not just a new mobile responsive website but also a fully native app that was submitted and approved by the Apple Store and Google Play Store, all within a 12 week time frame!

The website processes sales of the printed book (which we also designed and printed) and also the fully native app. 

To visit the website click here

We have more design, print, web and digital projects to publish on our website but for now I think that gives a good overview of the work we've been developing over the past few months. 

Dave Ramrekha


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