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7 ways to breakthrough Lockdown 2.0

7 ways to breakthrough Lockdown 2.0

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7 ways to breakthrough Lockdown 2.0


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So we’re about to embark on another national lockdown (from 5th November 2020) but there’ll certainly be no fireworks to celebrate Guy Fawkes Night this time (or will there!)

We recently received an email from the Entrepreneurs Circle offering some tips on navigating through the next four weeks of lockdown, some inspiring words which also shed light on how we dealt with the first lockdown and so we thought we’d relay some tips and advice on how to get yourself and your business through the next 4 weeks of another worrying lockdown. 

Using experiences gained from the first lockdown back in March we thought we’d help share some information that not only we found useful but also some of our customers.

In spite of the new restrictions and the fact it feels like we’re all teetering on the edge of a bottomless pit, you personally have more say over what happens in this next chapter of your business story than you might think.

So right now you can decide if you want to be part of the doom 'n' gloom, batten down the hatches brigade or to take a greater control of your business not just during the looming lockdown but beyond too. Take charge of the things you can manage personally and devise a plan to smash through this lockdown to come out the other side with a fitter and stronger business.

Here are some points that might help over the coming weeks…

1)    Take advantage of any money available…

This includes low interest rate loans, government help schemes, business grants or funding pots - even if its for some new office or staff PPE.

2)    Don’t stop talking to your customers…

Now is not the time to disappear or go quiet on your customers. They want to know you’re still around and to hear positive messages. Don’t join the ‘lockdown lonely hearts club’ or put the ‘we’re closed due to lockdown” shutters up, that’s what your competitors will be doing.

3)    Be a creative…

Look at the rules and regulations, can you think outside the box for opportunities these may present? For example, non-essential shops have to close but it doesn’t mean their local communities can’t use them for deliveries or click & collect services. Reinforce a positive community message by helping support the small businesses. The lockdown doesn’t mean you should lose sales during November and once you start selling online your catchment area could expand on a vast scale.

4)    Marketing should not be the first thing to pull…

If you stop any on going or planned marketing you might as well give in! This lockdown is going to mean more people (and potential customers) browsing online and with more time to search, read and digest. For those companies pulling the plug on digital or traditional marketing just means opportunities for your competitors to jump in and take advantage of the vacated spaces.

5)    Make sure you’re in front of your customers as many times as you can…

Many of them are going to be stuck at home with more online time than ever before, so more chance of reading your messages equates to more sales.

6)    Pick up the phone…

Wow, who uses the phone anymore? Seriously reach out, call them, and reassure them you’re still there to help them. Everyone is in the same boat and as uncertain as you are, so put that call in to your customers, new and old. Being proactive ensures they will remember you when we come out of this mess for being the one that asked how they were and how you could help.

7)    And finally, wise-up…

Take this time to do that one thing you have always wanted to do. Sort that marketing plan, update that website, read those business books, enhance your Linked In profile, tidy the office, write that blog post, learn a new skill. 

We aren’t saying the next month isn’t going to be difficult to get through but there are ways you can take ownership over what happens to your business and ensure you’re better equipped to breakthrough, no smash through, Lockdown 2.0

Our agency has helped many clients before and we are here to help again. You’re not alone; together we can get through this and be better for it.

So we’re just letting you know we’re open and we’re here for you, email or call us on 01642 804534 if you’d like to see how we could help.

From us all at VIA Creative - stay safe.

Dave Ramrekha


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